Rachel in Legal, Home Buying, Condo Buying
You have finally received the good news that your new home is (almost) ready. Only a few more loose ends to tie up before you can finally move in. One of these ends is referred to as the Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) and refers to your right to inspect your new property and the corresponding right to have your complaints regarding deficiencies, if any, remedied by the builder.
The builder has the obligation to remedy any deficiencies that may exist before you move in, but you do have to be able to demonstrate that the damage was not the result of your sloppy movers. The PDI is typically conducted around 1-2 weeks before your scheduled occupancy and this way, all parties know that the existing problems were present before you took possession.
As this is your best opportunity to make sure any damage or outstanding issues are dealt with, you should take your time. Make sure you document any and every scratch, dent or crack. Do not allow yourself to rush through the inspection, make sure you go slowly and account for every square inch of space. It may seem like a lot of work at the time, but your efforts will pay off should you need to prove a claim later.
Although you can technically delegate the PDI to someone else, this is your investment and you should take this part of the transaction very seriously. A friend of mine relayed an interesting account of a guy who actually brought his own flashlight, tape measure and digital camera to document everything.
Tarion Warranty Corporation, the home building industry regulator and administrator of the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, has strict procedural rules for filing claims - you would be wise to take the deadlines seriously. Make sure you review your HomeOwner Information Package carefully and always ensure that you submit your forms on time. Tarion offers a printable PDI sheet to help guide you through your tour. In addition to reviewing the PDI information, I would suggest going through Tarion's website as it is a good resource for HomeBuyers and has a great deal of useful information.
Rachel Loizos is an associate lawyer at Sotos LLP in Toronto. She practices in the area of real estate law. Email Rachel