John Pasalis in Real Estate Roundup
Will the red-hot Canadian housing bubble burst? (Global News)
Bank of Canada warns condo boom could be ending (Globe and Mail)
Canada's housing starts slow in November (Globe and Mail)
Canadian home prices, sales better than expected in 2011 (Toronto Star)
Canada October New House Price Index Report (Bloomberg)
Condo Madness?! (Huffington Post)
See which Toronto neighbourhood is the toniest in Canada (Toronto Star)
Canada's Richest Neighbourhoods (Canadian Business)
CIBC: real estate to dip 10%-15% in medium-term (Canadian Real Estate Magazine)
Canadian real estate “defies logic” in 2011 with growth (Canadian Real Estate Magazine)
Toronto housing market still on fire (Financial Post)
December 9, 2011
This Week In Real Estate |
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