A data specialist helps us better understand the many factors that tell us where the market is now - and might be going next.
In our latest Move Smartly episode, I, along with my co-host, John Pasalis, President and Broker, Realosophy Realty (realosophy.com), talk to Ben Rabidoux, Founder of Edge Realty Analytics (edgeanalytics.ca). Edge is a firm that provides data and insights on Canadian housing and economic trends as well as more in-depth reporting on major metro-level trends in Vancouver and Toronto. Many real estate professionals consider Ben’s monthly research reports to be a can’t-miss read for good reason!
Topics covered include:
- What is the latest data suggesting about where home prices will go next in the context of record interest rate rises that may now be levelling off?
- What does the bond market tell us about what might happen now and why does it matter to housing?
- How do the recent sales slowdown and price declines we’re seeing now compare to previous declines in 2020, 2008 and the late 1990s?
- And will we see the market bounce back this spring?
Ways to watch/listen:
- Click the play button above and watch in-blog
- Go to this episode on our Move Smartly YouTube channel
- Listen to this episode on our Move Smartly podcast on Apple Podcasts
Urmi Desai is Founding Editor at Move Smartly, a leader in Toronto real estate news & analysis, and is Realosophy Realty's Chief Content Officer with responsibility for Realosophy.com and all consumer education and tools.
Urmi holds a B.A. in Political Science and English from the University of Toronto and an M.A. from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (Trade Economics) at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada).